TUTORIAL: How to put a video on Biobord?

Videos are an excellent way to get the attention of the audience.

Biobord forum offers a function to embed a video in a topic. Video-files are very heavy, so direct downloading is not possible, but embedding the video is. :film_projector:

Here is how you do it:

  1. Create a new topic

  2. Write a catching headline and a brief introduction to the text box (if you want)

  3. Here you have two options: a) download your video to YouTube b) download your video to a cloud service (DropBox, OneDrive etc.)

  4. Copy the URL address from the video


  1. Paste the URL adress to Biobord text editing field of your unfinished topic

  2. Platform will transform the link into a video automatically, see an example here: We are looking for partners and retailers for woodchip and pellet blowers

  3. Publish your topic (+Create Topic)

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