Paper Province and Food & Biocluster Denmark invite you to a workshop with the title How do you build a Supercluster? This is done in the project MPowerBIO.
MPowerBIO is organizing a hybrid workshop for clusters in the bioeconomy on 24 August. The aim of the workshop is to give the participants an insight into the Supercluster concept. Why talk about Superclusters? The world is rapidly changing and there is a growing interest and need to expand the cluster models. Superclusters take the traditional triple helix cluster model to the next level, namely the Pentagon model which includes the pillars of entrepreneurship and capital. And how to ensure the SMEs capital is the key in MPowerBIO.
During the workshop we will exchange experience about how to build a Supercluster and learn about the critical components and key success factors. Further, we will discuss tools, techniques and leadership required to successfully build new Superclusters.
A short feedback session will also be included, primarily for the bioeconomy clusters that have taken part in the MPowerBIO Cluster Capacity Building Programme to collect their views and recommendations for further improvements. In addition, it will also include feedback from the Business Support Programme.
WHEN : 24 August 10:00 – 13:00
WHERE: Online or Chalmers Entrepreneurship Village at Chalmers University of Technology, Conference Room: Veras Gräsmatta, Vera Sandbergs allé 8, 411 33 Göteborg, Sverige
For registration and programme: MPowerBIO Hybrid Workshop for Bioeconomy Clusters: How do you build a Supercluster?
Read more about MPowerBIO: