Upcoming FUNDING CALL: Interreg Baltic Sea Region (priorities)

Funding for years 2021–2027 under four priorities!

The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027 will offer funding under four priorities: Innovative Societies, Water-Smart Societies, Climate-Neutral Societies and Cooperation Governance, covering nine Programme objectives altogether. Members of the Joint Programming Committee agreed on the thematic priorities and Programme objectives at the meeting held on 2-3 December 2020.

Next steps

Considering comments by Joint Programming committee members, the Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat, with support of the external consultancy company Ramboll, will prepare an updated draft of the Programme document for the next meeting of the Joint Programming Committee in February 2021.

After a very successful programming year under Latvian chairmanship, during which in particular the Programme content was discussed and agreed, the main open point related to the Programme document is the budget, which will be developed under Lithuanian chairmanship in 2021. The aim is to finalise the Programme document by mid of 2021 and to get it approved by the Commission until the end of 2021. At this time, also the launch of the first application round could be expected, if everything works out as planned.

More information: https://www.interreg-baltic.eu/news-detail/news/funding-for-years-2021-2027-under-four-priorities.html


@Biotalouskampus_staff @Biobord_network

Dear Rikka
Thank for information. It is worth to follow any progress to be ready for the first application round.
I believ Biobord partners can run few interesting projects in the next programming period.


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Yes, we should plan the approach with the @Biobord_network and have initial discussions. :slight_smile: