Survey on top bio-based innovations for the EU

Survey on top bio-based innovations for the EU

Life and biological sciences and technologies as engines for bio-based innovation for the European Commission conducted by Fraunhofer ISI, BTG and iCons invites you to take part in a survey. We ask you to assess the most relevant and recent innovations in the field of the top ~50-bio-based-innovations for the EU in the next 5-20 years . By participating in this survey, you will be contributing strategic knowledge for policy makers, innovation stakeholders and society to be aware of the potential and opportunities of the life and biological sciences and technologies as main enabler of bio-based innovation, as well as overcoming hurdles to realize their potential.

We selected you as a potential survey participant due to your activities in the area of bio-based innovation or more generally in the bioeconomy. In order to characterize relevant innovations in this field, your perspective on different factors such as relevance, maturity, competitiveness and potential impact would be very insightful.

The survey covers 52 bio-based innovations driven by life and biological sciences and technologies, which have been identified in earlier stages of the project. Their selection is based on an intensive review of literature, roadmaps, foresight studies and strategic documents as well as an expert workshop. The focus is on enabling technologies, industrial, marine, agricultural and environmental bio-based innovations, but not on human health, food and energy applications.

We ask you to select and assess those bio-based innovations which fall into your expertise. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the survey (depending on the number of innovations you choose to assess). Begin by clicking on this link:

Please answer the survey until Friday, the 24th of July, 2020 .

This is an anonymous survey and no personal data is needed. Please feel free to forward this invitation also to other experts in the field of life and biological sciences and technologies driven innovations.

Please find more information about the project on the website Bio-based innovations - Fraunhofer ISI

If you have any questions, please answer to this e-mail or contact

We look forward to your assessment of the innovations.

Best regards,

Sven Wydra

Dr. Sven Wydra

Coordinator of Business Unit “Bioeconomy and Life Sciences”

Competence Center Emerging Technologies

Fraunhofer-Institute Systems and Innovation Research (ISI)

Breslauer Straße 48, 76139 Karlsruhe, Germany

Telefon: +49 (0)721 / 68 09 - 262

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