Results of RDI2CluB

RDI2CluB project (funded by European Development fund programme Intterreg Baltic Sea Region) has become to its end this September.

Here are our main outputs and results that might be useful to you bioeconomy developers!

1. Regional Bioeconomy Profiles


Our regional bioeconomy profiles can be found here: Dashboard - Delft en Westland

2. Joint Action Plan


Full Joint Action Plan: rdi2club_jap_2020_updated_26_05_2020.pdf (729.2 KB)

3. 25 Cases for Bioeconomy Innovation - Around the Baltic Sea Region -publication


Read the full publication from here: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu | Jamk

4. This Biobord-platform :partying_face:


5. Supporting Operating Model


Always find the newest version of the Operating Model and its manuals from this link:

6. Local pilots and their results in an interactive form


Find here the interactive impact report that showcases the pilots cases and their results: It’s time for a rural renaissance

Don’t worry, our work will continue with the main outputs that we have created!

  • Biobord-platform
  • Operating Model
  • Joint Action Plan

ConnectedByBiobord is an extension stage project for ‘Rural RDI Milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems’ - RDI2CluB - project and a Flagship project to EUSBSR PA Bioeconomy. The goal of the RDI2CluB project has been to support smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of the bioeconomy in rural areas of the BSR. ConnectedByBiobord is building on the outputs of the RDI2CluB: Joint Action Plans and the Biobord platform for transnational innovation co-operation.

Thnak you for all that have participated in the implementation of the RDI2CluB-project!

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Here, we present the results of our raising awaraness campaign concerning the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship from the last 3 years: 2020.09.30_Raising awareness on bioeconomy_PP8_summary.pdf (2.1 MB) :slight_smile:


Summary of RDI2CluB project.pdf (564.4 KB)

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Future activities of RDI2CluB-project.pdf (452.1 KB)

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