On Stage - Waakku mobile app 24.03.2020

Greetings to all Biobord users from @RDI2CluB !

:woman_farmer: If you are interested in digitization of agriculture, join to our next On Stage event in March!

Time: 24.03.2020 at 15:00 - 16:00 (EE)/ 14:00-15:00 (CET)

We are having over the creators of Waakku-mobile application from Paja.io. Waakku has been designed to connect rural entrepreneurs with service and workforce, and it is a part of RDI2CluB-project’s local pilots. :sunflower: :sunflower:

:iphone:Make sure to stay updated by following our official social media handles:
Facebook: Redirecting...
Twitter: x.com

More information of the mobile application and of the project: http://rdi2club.eu



Dear @RDI2CluB @Biotalouskampus_staff @Bisnes_Academy @Pohjoinen_Pooli @Yritysten_ymparistovastuullisuusverkoston_ydintiimi @BeUBio

you all are more than welcome to join our next On Stage -event next Tuesday!


:floppy_disk: Please find the recording of yesterday’s On Stage event here: Error - Zoom