On Stage - New technologies applied for strengthening bioeconomy development

Explore new technologies applied for strengthening bioeconomy development!

@RDI2CluB presented a Webinar on the Regional Pilot Plans to the project Advisory Board. The agenda included pilot plans for the 4 cases implemented by June 2020. The cases for presented to the Advisory Board for commenting and feedback.

  • Mobile application for connecting rural entrepreneurs with services and workforce

  • Building a platform for an international network for Grouse monitoring and research

  • Public engagement to solving air pollution via use of mobile devices and 5-helix approach

  • Development of Data-based Service to Support Farmers Decision Making

RDI2CluB_Webinarseries3.pdf (196.9 KB)

The event was for invited members, but we hope to share the recording with all interested followers of the RDI2CluB project. Feedback and discussion is still welcome!

:dvd::movie_camera: Recording of the event is available for 30 days via the link.


@Anna Thank you for sharing this!