Explore new technologies applied for strengthening bioeconomy development!
@RDI2CluB presented a Webinar on the Regional Pilot Plans to the project Advisory Board. The agenda included pilot plans for the 4 cases implemented by June 2020. The cases for presented to the Advisory Board for commenting and feedback.
Mobile application for connecting rural entrepreneurs with services and workforce
Building a platform for an international network for Grouse monitoring and research
Public engagement to solving air pollution via use of mobile devices and 5-helix approach
Development of Data-based Service to Support Farmers Decision Making
RDI2CluB_Webinarseries3.pdf (196.9 KB)
The event was for invited members, but we hope to share the recording with all interested followers of the RDI2CluB project. Feedback and discussion is still welcome!
Recording of the event is available for 30 days via the link.