@riikkakumpulainen and the whole project team.
Here attached the logical framework template, which I mentioned yesterday on our meeting. This template is from @kirsi.knuuttila, luckily she had it in English
Logical Framework_template.xlsx (15.2 KB)
As also mentioned the template is useful as a tool for a common project planning (workshop), but it can be used as itself. Though, facilitator could be helpful. This is based on the same idea, what financiers are basically looking for; who are the main beneficiaries, what is project purpose and the main results to achieve the purpose.
The LOGIC behind this is to ask questions “how” and “why” when going up and down on the template. Ask question “how” when going “downwards” on the template, and when going “upwards” ask “why”. For instance “how the project purpose is achieved”, “how the results are achieved by these activities…”.
With help of these question you can test the logic and connections between i.e. the project purpose and the main results. Note, that the aim is to have ONLY ONE purpose. If the project has multiple purposes, the risk is to loose the red line in the project.
What I suggested yesterday, is also to test if some of the project ideas presented yesterday can fit together, most of the cases the best solution is to combine something (if relevant), but not to force everything into together. This template can be a tool for testing the idea and how different ideas are fitting under one project.
Best regards