Launch webinar for Fibenol Hackathon - Wood to Food

FIBENOL launch webinar

Hi @Biobord_user,

Fibenol and BioMAK invites you to find new high value applications for valorizing our cellulosic sugars, lignin and specialty cellulose for food or feed production. With the growing world population and higher demand for food and feed, we need to find alternative sources as feedstock.


Fibenol Hackathon launch webinar is a great opportunity to get insight into lignocellulosics era.
:point_right: You will learn more about the Fibenol hackathon challenge and the schedule of the hackathon process in BioBoosters.
:point_right: You will learn more about the what cellulosic sugars, lignin & specialty cellulose could offer in the future in the feed and food sector.
:point_right: Get practical tips about the applying process and participation in Fibenol Hackathon.

Launch webinar program:

:seedling:Short introduction to the launch webinar, Katrin Kepp, Head of the Centre of Bioeconomy in Estonian University of Life Sciences

:seedling:Welcome words, Moderator of the launch webinar - Katrin Jõgi, Sustainability manager at Fibenol

:seedling:The BioBoosters concept, Anna Aalto, Jyväskylä University of Applied Science, Finland

:seedling:Presentation of the Challenge for Fibenol Hackathon, Karl Peebo, Product Manager at Fibenol

:seedling:ÄIO, Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, Co-founder of ÄIO, Professor in Food Tech and Bioengineering, Taltech, Estonia

:seedling:Additional presenter (TBC)

:seedling:FUNKI, Sirli Rosenvald, CEO & Co-founder at Funki, Estonia


:seedling:Closing remarks and opening the hackathon call.

:handshake:Do you want to be part of the food and feed revolution?

Register to the Fibenol launch webinar: HERE:

About Fibenol

Fibenol is a biotech innovator driving the chemicals and materials industry towards sustainability, by offering solutions to replace fossils with low-carbon biomaterials Lignova lignin, wood sugars and specialty cellulose. Examples of the applications of our solutions are construction materials for interior, buildings and roads, packaging, bioplastics, home care, cosmetics and alternative proteins. Fibenol annual production capacity is 6,5 kton lignin, 20 kton of cellulosic sugars and specialty cellulose at ton scale.

Learn more about Fibenol