Hubs On Stage, Estonia: The development of national bioeconomy strategies in the context of European Green Deal

The Estonian @RDI2CluB team welcomes you to the Hubs on Stage event that features the coherence issues of European Union strategies in the context of bioeconomy. The European Green Deal published on 11 December 2019 has become an umbrella strategy for other EU strategies, such as Bioeconomy Strategy (2018), Circular Economy Action Plan (2020), Biodiversity Strategy (2020) and Farm to Fork Strategy (2020). How to meet the objective on the EGD by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas and making the transition just and inclusive for all in bioeconomy. The webinar explores some of the key aspects to consider.

Host : SEI Tallinn

Time : Tuesday, 9.06.2020 at 15:00 EE/FI time;

Venue :

On Stage : The development of national bioeconomy strategies in the context of European Green Deal.

Questions for the audience:

What could become the most challenging issues to achieve in the implementation of bioeconomy strategy at EU and at national level (in the context of the European Green Deal)?

15:00 Welcome to the second Hubs on Stage event; Kaja Peterson, SEI Tallinn
15:10 Presentation 1: Development of national bioeconomy strategies in the context of European Green Deal – ensuring coherence of EU strategies


15:30 Presentation 2: Challenges of national bioeconomy strategies: Case of Estonian Development Plan of Agriculture and Fisheries 2030 and short information on the BIOEAST initiative/BioEASTsUp project – Mr Argo Peepson, Bioeconomy counsellor, Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs


15:55 Closing remarks

The presentation materials are shared and the discussion and idea sharing can continue after the event under the topic. On Stage event will be also recorded and recording shared here, after the event.

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@Biotalouskampus_staff interesting webinar tomorrow at 15:00!

Hi all, great Hubs On Stage event yesterday! Thank you @kaja :innocent:

If you didn’t have a chance to join or you want to re-watch yesterday’s Hubs On Stage presentation, you may find the recording here: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing - Zoom Password: 1O$1T0=@

Presentation materials are also available:

Bioeconomy in the context of SDGs and EGD_KPeterson 9 06 20.pdf (986.6 KB)

Bioeconomy_RDI2Club_090620_APeepson.pdf (449.8 KB)