Holmen is looking for innovative applications for wood ashes

Ash to Assets: A HolmenHackathon

Have you ever wondered about the untapped potential hidden in everyday by-products? At Holmen,
one of the biggest sawmill producers in Sweden, we’re diving deep into one specific query: How can
we transform wood ash - a by-product from our biofuel boilers created during the heating and drying
process of wood - from waste to wonder?

Our mission is clear: to uncover a sustainable, profitable, and either circular or renewable avenue for
this ash. Annual wood ash production of Holmen factories is approximately 450 tons. While there’s
undeniable value in returning some of it to our forests and land, we believe there’s a world of
innovative possibilities out there waiting to be discovered.

Your creativity and passion are the keys.

To those who rise to this challenge, Holmen offers an exciting opportunity. Successful Hackathon
participants will be given a chance for business collaboration, opening doors to joint projects or pilot
ventures to bring your visionary ideas to life.

We invite you to become part of this unique opportunity to tackle our challenge. Together with Holmen’s experts and the companies in our BioBoosters network, you will have the opportunity to develop innovative methods and solutions. Are you the one to solve the challenge? Submit your application for this hackathon by 20.10.2023.

@Biobord_user Read more and apply at BioFuel RegionBioBoosters - Boosting the Circular Transition - BioFuel Region