Explore the groups and users at Biobord!
Biobord forum is a home for several open networks and closed project groups. Some of the networks and projects operate in regional context, others are focused on international networking.
You are welcome to explore our groups at the Biobord groups page.
JOIN open groups of your interest. The groups that are open for members to join have a ‘request’ button. You can send a request to join that will be processed by our Administrator.
TAG a group to target your topic to a specific group. Many of the visible groups allow you to tag the group to your topic by writing @groupname to your topic. This way you can notify all members of the group with an email notification. Please note that not all groups allow this action.
You are welcome to explore all our users at the Biobord users page and to see how active the users have been in different timeframes.
READ USER PROFILES By clicking the profile pictures, you read more about the users and send them a private message.
CONTACT USERS By clicking the profile pictures, you can send a user a private message.