Hello Everyone,
Recently while surfing the internet and trying to get inspired I have found a great website and a mesmerizing documentary about Earthship which I would really like to share with you. The idea seems to be so simple but so creative and genial at the same time! It has totally shaked upside-down the way I was thinking about green housing as personally the houses created by the company remind me rather Gaudi’s Barcelona than a dumping ground.
[center]and the link to company’s/community’s website:
What do you think about it? Do you like the idea and do you think that housing like that could have a future in your country?
Let’s talk and explore this topic together !
I find this interesting, and had a fellow student who wrote his bachelor thesis about this. However, it is not directly applicable in Norway due to the climatic conditions, but there are some recommendations for adjustments that can be made. This includes e.g. more insulation, use of windmills for electricity and fire wood for heating.
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I need to admit that I am especially enchanted by the way they reuse the water and by the idea of having own botanical garden at home

Actually now I have found out that this water reuse reminds me of a video showcasing the Japanese bathroom ! Here I am dropping a link to a really short article and a video (it is just 4 minutes long, I really recommend to watch it) of a little girl introducing philisophy behind Japanese bathrooms.
It is really surprising how both solutions aim to achive water sustainability, but one is really simple while the other involves “highest” High Tech.
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Reduction of water consumption - and reuse of water - is certainly an issue to be aware of! I have to admit I’m more attracted to the simple way of doing it, but perhaps the high tech solution faces less resistance in our modern society, and thus is easier to implement?