We in Jyväskylä university of Applied Sciences have last fall started a project called Lammastalouden tuotannontekijät (direct translation: factors of production in the sheep sector) together with ProAgria Southern Ostrobothnia. We are looking for sheep farmers and sheep specialists for an international discussion group, where sheep farmers could share information and peer support with other sheep farmers and specialists from other countries. The group would be set up on a Biobord platform. Depending on the wishes of the sheepfarmer’s, it would be either open or closed group.
Do the colleagues in @RDI2CluB have any contacts with sheep farmers and/or sheep experts in your area? Would they be interested in participating in the discussion on the Biobord platform?
Hi @marianne
I know quite a few sheep-farmers in different parts of the country, with different types of production, that I can contact. Do you have a flyer or something similar explaining the project more in detail?
No, I don’t have flyers yet. I thought at first to ask, if my thoughts about this kind of group would get a positive response here. But if you think that the group would be a good idea and we could find sheep farmers who would be interested about action like that, then we’ll make those flyers to help spread the word about the group.
There are at least a few sheep farmers in our area who have already said that they might be interested about the group, when we have made some preliminary inquiries.
I believe flyers, or other material describing the project, would be good Just something providing a bit more information than what we can give in an e-mail or phone call, which the farmers may read afterwards to make an opinion about the project.
We’ll set up the group on Biobord and make a brochure about it. It is certainly easier to market an existing group. This will take a few days. I hope my trainee has time to make a brochure, it would be a suitable job for her. I’ll inform you when it is ready for marketing. We’ll keep in touch.
Dear @marianne, @ingrid and @Halgrim, I have now created a closed group for this sheep action (under Network Actions). I recommend that you make a topic here that announces this possibility for all parties interested
Marianne is the facilitator for the group, and she can add other members.