BioTalks: Utilizing biogenic CO2 from biogas plants
Biogenic carbon dioxide streams are generated as by-product from biogas upgrading in biogas plants. Biogenic carbon dioxide is currently an underutilized resource, which could potentially be applied in many industrial applications, at the same time mitigating the net greenhouse gas effect and improving further the carbon binding effect from biogas production. Welcome to hear and discuss the business opportunities and latest research findings related to utilization and capture of biogenic CO2!
Welcome to our next BioTalks webinar (Thursday January 24, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. EET / UTC+2), where industry representatives along with specialists from research institutes discuss the development needs of the industry along with the business potential and recent research findings in utilization and capture of biogenic CO2. In this webinar we will also announce the upcoming GasumHackathon innovation competition aiming at finding business models and partners to create value from the biogenic CO2 produced by the Gasum biogas plants in the Nordics – Welcome to solve the challenge!
BioTalks is a webinar series hosted by biobusiness accelerator BioPaavo by Jamk. The aim of the webinar is to bring like-minded people together, exchange knowledge, get inspired and perhaps start something new together!
13:00 Welcome to the BioTalks webinar – Dr. Annimari Lehtomäki, Chief Specialist, Jamk BioEconomy Institute & BioEconomy Business Accelerator BioPaavo by Jamk
13:10 Emerging business opportunities in biogas and nutrient recycling – Anna Virolainen-Hynnä, Executive Director, Finnish Biocycle & Biogas Association
13:30 CO2 capture and utilization in biogas plants – Research activities – Dr. Eemeli Tsupari, Principal Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
13:50 Practical examples of biomethanation applied research and piloting at Jamk BioEconomy Institute – Dr. Mauno Harju, Project Manager, Jamk BioEconomy Institute
14:10 GasumHackathon: Harnessing the biogenic CO2 from biogas upgrading to value adding applications – Viljami Kinnunen, Senior Development Engineer, Gasum Ltd.
14:30 Instructions for participation in the GasumHackathon - Dr. Annimari Lehtomäki, Chief Specialist, Jamk BioEconomy Institute & BioEconomy Business Accelerator BioPaavo by Jamk
14:45 Discussion and questions
15:00 Thank you!
REGISTER HERE by the 23rd of Januar!
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