BioTalks: Pathaways towards AgriCulture 4.0! BioTalks goes AgriVenture Finland 2023!

BioTalks Pathaways towards AgriCulture 4.0 !

Welcome to webinar BioTalks 14.4. 2023 at 10.00-11.30 EET!

How do we implement Agriculture 4.0, and how do we manage diversity and responsibility in food chain system transition pathways?

We are honoured to hear some more of our speakers:

  • Oleksiy Guzhva (Assistant Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) ): Importance of scalability of computer vision models within livestock sector, how to achieve a painless transition from research into practice?

  • Hannu Haapala (Principal Researcher at Jamk Institute of Bioeconomy, leading the Smart Bioeconomy research): Smart Farming as a tool to realize fair data economy.

BioTalks is the first sneek peek webinar of the AgriVenture Finland 2023 -event webinar-series. Agriventure Finland 2023 is a new agritechnology and sustainable food chain event, arranged at the bioeconomy campus in Saarijärvi, at 7.-8.6.2023. Read more and join:

Register to BioTalks here, thank you! :slight_smile: