Biobord user survey 30.03.2020 - 09.04.2020

Dear Biobord users, now it is your time to let us know what we can do better! :mega:

Biobord has been developed under RDI2CluB -project and our aim is to make this platform as user friendly as possible. But we need your help with that. :innocent:

We would appreciate if you could give us few minutes (max. 10 minutes) of your time to take our survey:

This survey in in English and it is open until 09.04.2020 at 23:59.

Biobord will be developed according to the results of this survey, so your opinion matters.

I you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me @riikkakumpulainen ( or my colleagues @ewelina.piotrowska and @tadeusz


@RDI2CluB @Biotalouskampus_staff @BIND @Matadigi @Bisnes_Academy @Grouse_Network_PilotGroup @Pohjoinen_Pooli @Yritysten_ymparistovastuullisuusverkoston_ydintiimi @BeUBio

Dear @RDI2CluB, please remember to give your comments for the development of the platform before 9th of April. :slight_smile: