Correct technique of collecting nasopharyngeal specimen in order to detect SARS-CoV-2

Hello Everyone !

During RSTC’s Hubs on Stage event (if you missed it, be sure to check out the recording Error - Zoom Password: 8U&5&0Y!) we have promised to give you more details about the work of our Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. Today I am happy to announce that we released a short video about “the correct technique of collecting nasopharyngeal specimen in order to detect SARS CoV-2”! The video is in Polish, but it has English and Polish subtitles. If you are curious how the work of medical attendants look like at the very first stage of fighting the new coronavirus, this video is perfect for you !

Let’s also appreciate our “new actors” who normally work as biotechnologists in our laboratory, but had decided to take an acting challenge in order to spread the knowledge about testing.

[center]Here is a YouTube link to our video: Prawidłowe pobieranie materiału biologicznego z nosogardła w kierunku wykrycia sars Cov 2 - YouTube

Enjoy and don’t be afraid of testing !


Hello again!

For everyone who is interested in the topic we have prepared another video…

this time you can see a process of RNA isolation !

and can you recognize this video’s actor? Who can it be :wink:


[center]Medyczne laboratorium diagnostyczne RCNT - YouTube

PS: All safety standards were of course obeyed during filming :slight_smile:


Behind all the contagion equipment, it’s not easy to see the actor, but could it be someone from the RDI2CluB team, @monikamalanowicz? :thinking: :wink:

Oh not this time :wink: but it is someone you got to know during our Hubs on Stage - Now in Action :smiley:

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